aperturectl cloud blueprints
Cloud Blueprints
Interact with cloud blueprints.
--access-token string User Access Token to be used while connecting to Aperture Cloud
--config string Path to the Aperture config file. Defaults to '~/.aperturectl/config' or $APERTURE_CONFIG
--controller string Address of Aperture Cloud Controller
-h, --help help for blueprints
--insecure Allow connection to controller running without TLS
--project-name string Aperture Cloud Project Name to be used when using Cloud Controller
--skip-verify Skip TLS certificate verification while connecting to controller
- aperturectl cloud - Commands to communicate with the Cloud Controller
- aperturectl cloud blueprints apply - Cloud Blueprints Apply
- aperturectl cloud blueprints archive - Cloud Blueprints Archive for the given Policy Name
- aperturectl cloud blueprints delete - Cloud Blueprints Delete for the given Policy Name
- aperturectl cloud blueprints get - Cloud Blueprints Get
- aperturectl cloud blueprints list - Cloud Blueprints List