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2 posts tagged with "workload prioritization"

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· 13 min read
Sudhanshu Prajapati

In today's world, the internet is the most widely used technology. Everyone, from individuals to products, seeks to establish a strong online presence. This has led to a significant increase in users accessing various online services, resulting in a surge of traffic to websites and web applications.

Because of this surge in user traffic, companies now prioritize estimating the number of potential users when launching new products or websites, due to capacity constraints which lead to website downtime, for example, after the announcement of ChatGPT 3.5, there was a massive influx of traffic and interest from people all around the world. In such situations, it is essential to have load management in place to avoid possible business loss.

· 19 min read
Sudhanshu Prajapati

Graceful Degradation

In today's world of rapidly evolving technology, it is more important than ever for businesses to have systems that are reliable, scalable, and capable of handling increasing levels of traffic and demand. Sometimes, even the most well-designed microservices systems can experience failures or outages. There are several examples in the past where companies like Uber, Amazon, Netflix, and Zalando faced massive traffic surges and outages. In the case of Zalando (Shoes & Fashion Company), the whole cluster went down; one of the attributes was high latency, causing critical payment methods to stop working and impacting both parties, customers, and the company. This outage caused them a monetary loss. Later on, companies started adopting the graceful degradation paradigm.